Frequently Asked Question

Can I get a custom PC?
Last Updated a year ago

We offer a fee-based service for build consultation or advice regarding PCs. We do offer free email support regarding our products already for sale, however, parting together a theoretical build or a build that a customer wants to buy takes time. It often takes us 30-45 minutes to simply pick out the parts for a proper build for a customer.

This nominal fee will go towards the total price if you decide to have us build a PC for you after we make a PC parts picker list.

Why would you pay for a service like this?
  • We will part together a build that uses available parts*
  • We will ensure theĀ build will yield the best bang for your buck based on your unique needs
  • The parts will all be checked for compatibility
  • Clear up any questions you may have

If you want to utilize this service, please click the link below for more information.

*Parts availability may change after build quote is provided. We will do our best to obtain the parts quoted, however, we may have to substitute for equivalent or better parts.

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